One Site Down

For the most part, this site is done. I’ve updated the look and feel as well as added bells and whistles. It actually looks better than my site does now. That one is next for a facelift.
I’m quite happy with these templates. I must say WordPress has really improved. It’s been a about a year since I’ve messed with client sites and obviously years since I’ve updated this one. Now that it’s done, I can start posting content and making videos. For me that’s been the big fun of it. I started making videos when I was teaching remotely and we were required to record lectures and feedback. I realized how much I enjoyed doing that. It surprised me because I didn’t want to buy a microphone or camera.
The first microphone I got was a cheap $20 thing that sucked. I tried to go cheap because I didn’t understand how important it was to get the sound right. The same with the camera, but the camera I got was fairly decent. Then I read a passage at my niece’s wedding and I got a lot of complements on my voice. So then I decided to splurge on a decent microphone.
I will finish setting up the PDF for the Story template and set that up to upload easily for everyone. I don’t want to ask for money for it so I set up a tipping jar with PayPal.
Now that this site is fixed, I’m going to start being consistent with the blog. Years ago, I kept one going religiously, but let it slide after I got married. This was back in the day when you had to do it all in html.
I’m also going to upload videos I’ve recorded. All the content might not be writing or art related, but what it will be is stuff I’m interested in. I’m going to stop worrying about my ‘niche’ an just upload what interests me at the moment. I see a lot of guys doing that.
Anyway thanks for stopping by. There’s more to come.